Scientists Have Just Found Out That Aliens Have Fishbeard Feet

According to ‘The Sirius Mystery’ by Robert Temple, the Dogon describe their Sirian Gods as Amphibious/Humanoid Beings who brought them knowledge and wisdom about other stars and celestial bodies and who are somehow deeply connected with our own growth and evolution here. in the land. They called them ‘The Nommos’.

Mixtures of genes and DNA, interdigital membrane. One who joins the fingers in different animals, especially amphibians, birds and some mammals. Corresponds to a functional adaptation to aquatic life

Nommos are generally described as amphibious, hermaphroditic and fish-like creatures. Folk art depictions of the Nommos show creatures with humanoid upper torsos, legs/feet, and a fish-like lower torso and tail. Nommos are also called “Water Masters”, “Monitors” and “Teachers”.

The US Navy has been conducting experiments in the oceans using sonic weapons that have resulted in hundreds of whales, dolphins and also some merpeople stranded. The following documentaries shown on Animal Planet showcase all the discoveries surrounding this hidden aquatic human civilization.


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