Observe the Weather Day (January 25th)

Although it can be as simple as simply walking out the door and looking up to see what the sky looks like, observing the weather has developed into a very important Science. Using measurements and tools, weather people take note of all sorts of patterns and make their predictions about what might happen in the future. And, although the weather forecast might still not be 100% correct, it has certainly gotten better and more accurate over the past several decades.
History of Observe the Weather Day
The Science of measuring the weather is a fairly new discipline when compared with other Sciences. While weather has always been important to people, especially farmers, it wasn’t until the late 1700s and early 1800s that coordinated, scientific weather observations began in the United States.
In 1784, John Jeffries, after taking daily weather observation notes in Boston for a decade, was able to take the first weather balloon observation ride in the United States.
Beginning in the mid-1800s, weather networks began to grow, using the telegraph for communication so that information could be shared. By 1849, more than 150 people living all across the United States had volunteered to be weather observation reporters, and the Smithsonian Institution happily received and organized this information.
The Weather Bureau (eventually changing its name to the National Weather Service) was established in 1870 in the US, signed into law by then-president Ulysses S. Grant. As the weather information progressed, the Weather Bureau became responsible for issuing flood warnings to the public, through radio or telegraph services.
Hurricane warning networks were also put in place and, by 1900, the US and Europe had arranged ways to share weather information and official ‘three-day forecasts’ began for the North Atlantic region. By 1919, the American Meteorological Society was founded and this organization continues to advance the Sciences and services for weather, water and climate, even a hundred years later.
Now, Observe the Weather Day is here to offer a fun and interesting way to stay more connected with nature and the way that weather works!
How to Celebrate Observe the Weather Day
Consider implementing some of these ideas in celebration of Observe the Weather Day:
Get Outside and Observe the Weather
The most sensible way to spend time on Observe the Weather Day is to set the intention to step outside several times throughout the day to observe what the weather is doing. Is the sun shining? Are there dark clouds looming? Does it look or smell like it might snow?
It might even be fun to get the kids involved with observing the weather patterns as a little family project. Get a little notebook and try to remember to jot down some notes about how the weather changes throughout the day. And it might also be interesting to note how accurate the professional weather forecasters turned out to be using their predictions.
Learn More About Weather
Like many different themed days, Observe the Weather Day can act as super motivation to get more educated and informed about the topic of the day. So now might be a great time to do a bit of research that lends a bit of background or scientific information to understanding the day and observing the weather.
To get started in learning more, take a look at some of these interesting facts about the weather. And of course, in raising awareness for the day, don’t forget to share them with friends or family members!
Lighting strikes are not rare
Although people say that getting struck by lightning is a rare rare occurrence, in reality, lightning strikes around 6 million times each and every day! Even the Empire State Building in New York City gets struck by lighting more than 20 times per year. Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela is the place with the strongest likelihood of seeing lightning, as night storms are 80% likely to occur.
Antarctica gets the coldest weather
Not surprisingly, the continent that contains the South Pole can get super-duper cold. In fact, the coldest temperature ever recorded by humans happened in Vostok, Antarctica in 1983 and it came in at a shocking -89.2°C (-128.5°F).
Lighting is hotter than the sun!
At the moment that lighting strikes the temperature from this electrostatic discharge can reach approximately 30,000 degrees Celsius, which is around five times hotter than the sun.
Rain can fall super fast
In fact, the highest ever recorded rainfall in one minute happened in Unionville, Maryland, USA, in 1956 when 23 inches of rain fell in just sixty seconds and, obviously, caused huge problems with flash flooding.
Watch the Weather Channel
Although Observe the Weather Day is all about getting outside into the world and seeing what the weather is doing locally, it might still be fun to see what the professionals have to say. Plus, seeing what the weather is up to in the rest of the world might be interesting as well. This might be especially true for looking at the weather of those who are living in the opposite hemisphere, where it is summer instead of winter!
Host an Observe the Weather Day Event
Raise awareness and get kids, neighbors and friends involved in Observe the Weather Day by hosting a little Observe the Weather Day event. Perhaps make it an online event by encouraging everyone who is invited to make their own observations about the weather (perhaps in different parts of the country) and then gather online to share them with each other.
Another option for an Observe the Weather Day event for parents or school teachers might be to gather children together and spend time learning about weather. Then, give each child a weather notebook and make a weather observation and prediction project that can take place over the next week or month.
Observe the Weather Day FAQs
Are weather and climate the same thing?
Weather is what a person experiences when they go outside each day, climate is the way weather patterns average over a long period of time, usually several decades.[1]
Can weather changes cause headaches?
People who are prone to getting headaches may find that the pressure caused by weather changes may trigger head pain.[2]
Has weather forecasting improved?
Yes! A five day forecast today is as accurate as a one day forecast in 1980.[3]
Does weather affect the mood?
Some studies have shown that there may be a link between weather and mood, and many anecdotally also say that there is.[4]
Can weather change in a day?
Sure! Depending on the location, weather can be very volatile at times and may change many degrees in just one day.
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