Instagram hacks to make scrolling easier

Instagram is one of the most popular social media apps where photographs/videos are the main media for sharing thoughts.

The app has been updated with a lot of features over time to make it more engaging. It has also given a boost to content creation and influencer culture. As a result, we often end up spending a lot of time on it. So, to make the experience better, here are a few tips and tricks you should know;

1. Hide posts of people you follow

There might be some accounts that you follow but do not want their posts to appear on your feed. You can't unfollow them but you can always hide their posts. Here is how;

1. Go to their account

2. Tap the Following button and select Mute

3. You can mute Posts, stories or notes. Select accordingly.

2. Categorise the saved posts

If you like some content that you saw on Instagram and want to save it for later, you can click on the bookmark icon on the right side. If you want to categorise all the saved posts under different themes, follow these steps;

1. Click and hold on the bookmark icon.

2. Select New collection option

3. Give a name to the new collection. The post will now be saved under this name.

You can also make a collaborative saved folder with friends.

3. Calculate how much time you spend on the app

If you want to keep a track of the time you spend on the app, then here is a quick way to do so;

1. Go to your profile

2. Click on the three lines in the top right corner

3. Select Your activity and choose Time spent from the menu.

You can see the time spent on the app over the last few days along with the average time spent on the app. You can also set a reminder to take breaks and set a daily time limit too.

4. Unfollow all least interacted accounts at once

The latest Instagram update shows you the list of followers that you have not really been interacting with. This gives you the chance to unfollow them all at once. To do so;

1. Go to your Following list

2. Click on the list of Least interacted with

3. Unfollow the ones you want to


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